LTUE Benefit/Charity Anthology #3 – Twilight Tales
Since its beginnings in the early 1980s, the Life, the Universe, & Everything Symposium academic symposium has been a staple of the Utah and Intermountain West author and artist community. Many authors, artists, and editors found inspiration for their careers at the feet of scores of symposium guests. Influential professors and others have mentored those planning and running the symposium, but many of these mentors have passed on.
The symposium helps students of all ages by providing greatly discounted student memberships. Hemelein Publications—in conjunction with LTUE Press—created a series of memorial benefit/charity anthologies to help the symposium continue to help these aspiring creators learn about their crafts at a reasonable cost.
The third of these anthologies, Twilight Tales, is a light horror anthology, created in honor of Betty Pope. She was a librarian at the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University for many years. She established the science fiction and fantasy literature Special Collection section. She also hosted a reception at her home each year after LTUE for the guests and committee. This anthology will contain stories Betty would have loved.
In summary:
- Light horror stories (think Twilight Zone or Goosebumps) any length up to 17,500 words
- Unpublished or reprint stories
- Up to two submissions per author
- This is a benefit/charity anthology, so stories are donated and author receives no monetary compensation
- Authors receive a print copy of the anthology and an electronic copy
- Meet the content guidelines described on the Submission Guidelines page
- Stories are due by August 15, 2019
If you have a story that meets these criteria, please submit it using the online form.
Contracts will be sent by November 1, 2019 to those whose stories are accepted. The anthology will be released during the LTUE symposium in February 2021 in electronic and printed form.
As this is a benefit/charity anthology, all proceeds from the anthology go to support the symposium’s mission of education, training, and inspiring authors, artists, and editors in producing the next generation of amazing speculative fiction works. The anthology will be jointly published by Hemelein Publications and LTUE Press. This anthology will be edited by Joe Monson and Jaleta Clegg, my co-editor on Trace the Stars and A Dragon and Her Girl.
Stories not accepted for this anthology may be submitted for consideration for future benefit anthologies for LTUE during each submission period. Additional benefit anthologies will be published in the future, under a variety of genres. Themes so far have been space opera, adventure fantasy, and (now) light horror.
Please forward this call to anyone you think would be interested. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us.
We appreciate your support of this cause, and we look forward to seeing your stories.